The Two Weeks That Will Be

1. TrumpThe next two weeks are all about one man and one man alone. Make sure you’ve downloaded Truth Social because that’s how US government is going to be done from now on. Even Mel Gibson didn’t know he had been made a special envoy to Hollywood until he was sent the tweeted announcement. Whatever a special envoy is. …

The Christmas Weeks That Will Be

1. The UKThe MPC will vote for an interest rate cut at the BOE meeting on Thursday. The inflation number released the day before on Wednesday is of less relevance given the steady drumbeat of disappointing growth data. (There is also the unemployment data released on Tuesday but with this data now wildly unfit for purpose it can largely be …

The Two Weeks That Will Be

1. The USBlondeMoney was set up precisely because the worlds of business and politics struggled hard to understand one another. Now with DJT v2.0 there is going to be no choice but to confront the Trumpian philosophy that politics is business. This will inevitably lead to confusion from those watching in Washington or Westminster but …