The Two Weeks That Will Be

1. The UKTeam BM is in Liverpool for the first Labour Party conference since the new regime took power. Away from the sideshow media tumult over free glasses and holidays, this will be the first real set piece moment for Rachel Reeves since she became Chancellor. She doesn’t want to pre-empt the OBR, obviously, for …

The Two Weeks That Will Be

1. VolatilityWe started our last monthly missive with the phrase “On Wednesday the Bank of Japan will hike interest rates“, which suggests that a Japanese rate rise was at the very least a known unknown. The record collapse and then recovery in Japanese stock markets in the wake of the interest rate decision was far more of a Black Swan-esque unknown …


++ France is an accident waiting to happen. The European Commission warned its “debt sustainability analysis indicates high risk over the medium term”. It cannot be governed effectively and it faces severely challenging debt/deficit dynamics. There should be a higher risk premium on French assets ++ If only forming a government in France were as simple …

The Two Weeks That Will Be

1. The USHollywood could not have written a more astonishing script for an electoral battle between two well-known pensioners whose combined age is two-thirds that of the United States of America itself. With all the impeachments, porn stars, felonies, dementia, constitutional chicanery and now assassination attempts, the public has almost certainly decided who the victor …